Policy on Comments at Board Meetings for Items not on the Agenda






  1. At the beginning of each regularly scheduled meeting, the Council shall allow public comment.  The maximum amount of time set aside for public comment shall be thirty minutes, but the Council may reduce that time based upon various factors, such as:  the length of the meeting, the time the normal business on the agenda concludes, whether there is a closed session scheduled, whether one or more of the Council members have other conflicts and are unable to remain past a certain time, etc.
  2. Prior to the meeting, anyone wishing to speak shall complete an index card supplied by the Town, on which they will provide their name, whether or not their permanent residence lies within the corporate limits of the Town.  They shall identify the topic they wish to address, and they shall indicate the Town representative with whom they have discussed the issue.  These cards are to be presented to the Town Clerk who will give each card a number in the order in which it is received.
  3. When the Council reaches that portion of the meeting when public comments are permitted, the Mayor will recognize those wishing to speak in the numerical order shown on the cards.  Individuals who are recognized will come to the podium and give their name and whether their permanent residence lies within the corporate limits of the Town..  They will then be allowed three minutes in which to present comments, and the Town Attorney will keep the time for that period.  A person may only speak once during the period allotted for all comments.
  4. The Council may decline to take action on a request which is presented during the public comment portion of the meeting.  They may instead refer the matter to the Town Manager, the Town Attorney or other appropriate individual for investigation and action or for a future report back to the Board.
  5. The Council may also vote to allow additional comment beyond the thirty minute period, and it may allow a person to speak a second time during the period if time remains after all others have spoken.